Odjel za etnologiju i antropologiju

Departmental ethics comittee

Given that student research for seminars and thesis often involves collaboration with individuals and communities with whom we aim to establish and deepen cooperation, we consider it extremely important to maintain a high level of transparency in our work. Guided by general ethical principles of academic work, the Ethical Code of the University of Zadar, as well as the guidelines of the Ethical Code of the Croatian Ethnological Society, we strive to consistently promote ethical principles of ethnology and anthropology in our work with students and collaborators.

Procedure: Students, in agreement with their thesis mentor or the mentor selected for field research and exercises, prepare a request for approval by the Ethics Committee of the Department. The request should contain a brief explanation of the research topic, research methodology, and the manner in which the identity of the interlocutors will be protected if necessary. In addition, it should be emphasized that the Ethics Committee is responsible for issuing an opinion on the ethics of the research, and that their recommendations and guidelines must be followed. It is important that students and mentors verify whether the research is in line with ethical principles before beginning the research. This will ensure that the research is ethical, transparent, and respects the rights and dignity of the interlocutors.

Members of the Ethics Committee of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology are:
1.    Assistant Professor Danijela Birt Katić, PhD
2.    Professor Senka Božić Vrbančić, PhD
3.    Assistant Professor Katica Burić Ćenan, PhD

Note: The Ethics Committee meets as needed, depending on the number of requests received.