29. studenog 2013.
Poziv na izlaganje doc. dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić
Doc. dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić (Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar) održat će predavanje na temu
Narratives of belonging: Approaches from border-crossers' perspectives
Predavanje će se održati u srijedu, 4. prosinca, u Dvorani za poslijediplomske studije u zgradi rektorata (Mihovila Pavlinovića bb) od 18.00 do 19.30 sati.
As a mode of living and common practice the crossing of borders - geographical, social, cultural, and other - seems hardly noteworthy; under current mobility options and pressures it has become something taken for granted. Imaginaries and challenges, fears and hopes attached to it however are knowledge resources to be captured, as they provoke to reflect key concepts such as /home/, /identity/, and /integration/.
The lecture follows such traces in biographic as well as in literary accounts of (deliberate and forced) cross-border mobility. The historical context of post-socialist transition provides a specific frame for narratives of /belonging/ which rely on but also question those concepts.
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